Kode Rahasia di Handphone Nokia 3330

Kode Rahasia di Handphone Nokia 3330


*#06# To find IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity)

* # 0000 # bzw.*#9999 # and/or * # 3330 # Software-Version

*#170602112302# Firmware version

* # 92702689 # (* # war0anty #) Service menu

Equipment inquires "warranty code"

6232 (OK) Displays the Month and Year of Manufacture

9268 (OK) Displays Serial Number

7332 (OK) Displays the date of the last repairment - if found

7832 (OK) Displays (if found) the date where the phone was purchased

37832 (OK) Set the Purchasing Date MMYY (This date can be set only once!)

87267 (OK) Transfers ALL phone numbers, Logo's, and ringtones from other gsm phones

SIM Clock stop * # 746025625 # (* # sim0clock #) Functioned with all firmware designs and it does not indicate whether SIM Clock can be stopped. SIM Clock steers Standby mode.

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